El Cartel 0.25 mm 3 RS Shader and its advantages
Why should you choose exactly this tattoo cartridge? The advantages of the product are mainly related to the modern approach to needle design, which resulted in its creation. It is very important that El Cartel tattoo cart ridges are characterized by the best quality of the raw materials used. This makes them suitable for shading and creating fills even for quite long sessions. They are packaged in a set of 10 pieces.
What else is worth knowing about the presented needles?
The diameter of the needles 0.25 mm allows you to create more expressive lines. At the same time, the 3 RS tattoo cartridge needles are very versatile, as they fit various machines. They are also very easy to replace, which provides increased comfort in working with the equipment. When designing these needles, care was also taken to ensure that customers who are tattooed with them can feel completely safe, thanks in part to a specially selected membrane. Its function is to protect the razor from getting ink particles and blood into it.